"Twin Falls High School." Photo also shows a portion of the City Park and surrounding area. The Justamere Inn is visible at the far left.
TF Streets_475
"From the Depot-Home Seekers, 1908." A large line of people, mostly men, lining Shoshone Street (looking southwest) from the train depot area. The Iris Theater is located on the left.
"Rogerson Hotel." A view of the hotel from across the intersection. The Meyer and Company store is located at the front.
Justamere Inn
Twin Falls Milling and Elevator Company. Signs also state "Wholesale Flour and Grain" and "The Home of Idahome"
"First house built in Twin Falls, Idaho, 1904. Home of R. M. McCollum" The McCollum house still stands, though with a number of modifications, as Anne's Boutique on Shoshone Street today.
First Baptist Church (Corner of 5th Avenue and 3rd Street East, which is now Idaho Street)
"Main Street. 1910."; Main Street, Twin Falls, Idaho; looking northwest from the Rogerson Hotel & Idaho Department Store. Also visible is the Perrine Hotel, Dr. Baker: Dentist, the Dime Theater, Twin Falls Café, Eldridge's, Meyer and Company
"Main Street, Twin Falls, Id; Copyright 1907 by C.E. Bisbee;" looking southeast down Main Avenue and the intersection with Shoshone Street. Buildings seen include the Perrine Hotel and the First National Bank.
"City Park, Twin Falls" The park gazebo is shown, with the Courthouse in the background.
Wide view of the early town, taken from the Courthouse looking south at Shoshone Street. The Perrine Hotel, Twin Falls Bank and Trust, First National Bank, and Rogerson Hotel buildings can be seen. In the distance are the grain elevators.
Twin Falls Bank and Trust Building on the corner of Shoshone Street and Main Avenue. The building still stands as the Wells Fargo bank.
Twin Falls Lumber Co. Ltd - Building Materials and Hardware, Paints, and Oils
Two men on a wagon, which bears sign "Off for Jarbidge. Sold and packed by City Grocery." The Lavering Furniture store is in the background. The Smith and Smith building (housing Mrs. Self's Millinery) is behind the wagon.
McCornick and Co. Bankers